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Daniil: The idea here is bring the best and the maximum of pieces to work. Place your pieces here. Hugs! PS: Anybody else: PS2: Editors, whenever possible, put the white horse, as the Short Range Project (it's an article).
I don't know, is it ok, but here how i see this: Directions: Orthogonal; Diagonal; Diagonal+orthogonal; Divergent - captures diagonal, moves orthogonal; Captures orthogonal, moves diagonal; Forward-only orthogonal (it don't mean sideways); Forward-only diagonal; Forward-only diagonal+orthogonal; Captures forward diagonal, moves forward orthogonal; Captures forard orthogonal, moves forward diagonal; Gold - orthogonal+forward diagonal; Silver - diagonal+forward orthogonal; Captures as gold, moves as silver; Captures as silver, moves as gold; Are reverse gold and silver (and thier divergent versions) worth? Dragon king - orthogonal is long-range, diagonal is short-range (see below for range); Dragon horse - diagonal is long-range, orthogonal is short-range; Capture as dragon king moves as dragon horse; Moves as dragon king, captures as dragon horse; Forward-only versions of dragon anddivergent dragon pieces. Hopping (cannon-like moves. It's only possible to hop over pieces on spaces, where hopping piece would be able to move if it would be non-hopping move): Non-hopping; Chinese - moves as non-hopping, captures as hopping; Korean - both captures and moves are hopping; Moves as hopping, captures as non-hopping. Range: Long-range; Short range (hopping short-range pieces leaps to closest space, where respective long-range would be able to move, that is, hopping version of man is grasshopper, hopping version of ferz is bishopper, etc.). Kinds of movement: 1 step - ferz, wazir, ferzrider (bishop), wazirrider (rook), etc; 2 steps - alfil, dababah, alfilrider, etc; 1 step move, followed by another 1 step move at 45 degrres; 1 step move, followed by 2 step move at 45 degrees (zebra, Korean elephant...); 2 step move, followed by 1 step move at 45 degrees (camel); 2 step move, followed by another 2 step move at 45 degrees. Originally i thought about bent-riders (like gryphon) as long-range versions of bent movers, but now i think nightrider-like pieces are better. Leap ability: For 2-step movers it's simple: leaping and non-leaping (how elephant of shatranj differs from elephant of xiangqi); For bent-movers, there are 3 groups: Each bent move is unblockable at all (that's how FIDE knight and zebramoves); Korean elephant-like: alfil and dababa moves are non-leaping; Alfil and dababa moves are unblockable, but move can be blocked when piece turns 45 degrees (this version of zebra and Korean elephant makes 1 wazir move if square is empty, when turns 45 degrees and makes leaping alfil move. Non-leaping knight of this group don't differ from non-leaping knight of previous grop, but camel, zebra and (4,2) mover are different). There are already too many pieces. Other suggestions?
Dear Daniil: I've read your message. I loved it! Ididn't fully evaluated it becaus I'm having sime troubles in my life, so omy interest in CVs have diminished. This weekend I'll take a look at the coment. Hugs!
'Are reverse gold and silver (and their divergent versions) worth?' The reversed pieces I term Goldcoward and Silvercoward. I don't think I've covered divergent ones yet.
'Capture as dragon king moves as dragon horse; Moves as dragon king, captures as dragon horse; Forward-only versions of dragon and divergent dragon pieces.' Now these I haven't covered yet. I have similar pieces with the augmentation to the Bishop being by a Dabbaba move - Pawned Chatelaine, Yeomanned Inquisitor - but not by a Wazir one. When I devised simpler names for the dragon pieces - Chatelaine and Primate - I did so with extrapolation in mind, to forward-only as well as to 3d, so I termed the FO versions Caryatid and Abbot. As the Goldsteward and Silversteard Pawn one move and Yeoman the other, I suppose I should also think of Chatelaine/Primate and Caryatid/Abbot divergent pieces. Likewise in 3d Vicereine/Besieger, Virago/Ram, Moderator/Heretic, Elder/Xorn, Baroness/Regent, Heiress/Commissioner, Diarch/Usurper, Presumptive/Assassin, Dowager/Pope, and Devotee/Nuncio ones.
Daniil, I've got over 60 or more per side and still counting...
Guys: Besides some suggestions from Daniil and a comment form Mr. Gilman I had no response about this topic/project. So, it’s like The Little Red Hen story; if you are thinking: “I can do it better “, remember that you didn’t and I did. If you have any suggestions, I’m open to then, but, first, read the rules. Until now I’ve been gathering few ideas, but I didn’t yet made the calculations of the number of the pieces, just the base moves and the templates (take a look at to understand the concept). At this point I need help with the pieces names (yes, I know kings, etc, but some others…). O 1 n S2 S3 S4 L2 L3 L4 2+ 3+ 4+ cL1 mL1 mcL1 Sl Sk D 1 n S2 S3 S4 L2 L3 L4 2+ 3+ 4+ cL1 mL1 mcL1 Sl Sk C 1 n S2 S3 S4 L2 L3 L4 2+ 3+ 4+ cL1 mL1 mcL1 Sl Sk O fD 1 n S2 S3 S4 L2 L3 L4 2+ 3+ 4+ cL1 mL1 mcL1 Sl Sk D fO 1 n S2 S3 S4 L2 L3 L4 2+ 3+ 4+ cL1 mL1 mcL1 Sl Sk fO 1 n S2 S3 S4 L2 L3 L4 2+ 3+ 4+ cL1 mL1 mcL1 Sl Sk fD 1 n S2 S3 S4 L2 L3 L4 2+ 3+ 4+ cL1 mL1 mcL1 Sl Sk fC 1 n S2 S3 S4 L2 L3 L4 2+ 3+ 4+ cL1 mL1 mcL1 Sl Sk mO cD 1 n S2 S3 S4 L2 L3 L4 2+ 3+ 4+ cL1 mL1 mcL1 Sl Sk mD cO 1 n S2 S3 S4 L2 L3 L4 2+ 3+ 4+ cL1 mL1 mcL1 Sl Sk mfO cfD 1 n S2 S3 S4 L2 L3 L4 2+ 3+ 4+ cL1 mL1 mcL1 Sl Sk mfD cfO 1 n S2 S3 S4 L2 L3 L4 2+ 3+ 4+ cL1 mL1 mcL1 Sl Sk To help you, help me, let me tell you what means the letters: O- orthogonal, D- diagonal, C- compound (O+D), f- forward, m- move, c- capture, n= any number, S(n)- slides the number, L(n)- leaps the number, (n)+- must at least slide the number, L1- cannon capture movement, Sl- slip movement, Sk- skip movement. For the knight family, I have, now, the following: O1 D1, D1 O1 L Lf S SOD SDO R GM SR SODR SDOR SGM SODGM SDOGM O2 D1, D1 O2 L Lf S SOD SDO R GM SR SODR SDOR SGM SODGM SDOGM O3 D1, D1 O3 L Lf S SOD SDO R GM SR SODR SDOR SGM SODGM SDOGM O1 D2, D2 O1 L Lf S SOD SDO R GM SR SODR SDOR SGM SODGM SDOGM O1 D3, D3 O1 L Lf S SOD SDO R GM SR SODR SDOR SGM SODGM SDOGM O2 D2, D2 O2 L Lf S SOD SDO R GM SR SODR SDOR SGM SODGM SDOGM L- leaps, Lf- leaps forward (Shogilike), Slides (Moo), R- rider, GM- Grand Master. A note about the Grand Master, see the description on the Bizarro Chess. ( The 4:2 Leaper, although Mr. Gilman named it Charolais, I name it the Templar, because of the Knights Templar seal ( The irony is that the Portuguese piece name is horse (cavalo), but as I use a lot of English I use the knight/religious orders ranks. Any suggestions? Hugs!
Jaguaribe concludes, ''Who wants to try this Gargantuan variant?'' Author of the Gargantua series, Francois Rabelais(1494-1553) had the new regina rabiosa Chess much in mind throughout his works, and Book V has couple of chapters the most relevant of all: foremost chapter 25 here ''How the Thirty-Two Persons at the Ball Fought,'', It is a living Chess game. [The better Wikisource translation by Urquhart & Motteux] Opening d2-d4, ''the Nymph who stood before the Queen moved two squares forwards.'' It is modern chess because before then there was not allowed opening-double. ''They only strike sideways'' means of course that Pawn capture mode had already stayed the same for a thousand years. Old-style Castling is described, called free castling,, which has additional definition right now. King to Rook's spot like that described by Rabelais 'Book V Chapter XXV' is not permitted within Shatranj, so again Modern Chess. And so on thirty-fold more clauses the same Gargantuan chapter, the likes of ''a mighty loss to that party'' indeed having one's Rook/Tower captured.
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