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Promethean Chess. Units visiting the home squares of others leave behind duplicates.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Armada Feline wrote on Fri, May 11, 2007 01:22 PM UTC:Excellent ★★★★★
This game is great! It was fun making so many queens, even if I did lose. ^_^ Keep up the good work! Here's suggestion: Why not make a game where you can make up your own peices and connect with other users over the internet for battle? That would be cool!

Daniil Frolov wrote on Wed, Oct 20, 2010 09:45 AM UTC:Good ★★★★
Cool. How about subvariant, where created pieces belongs to color, opposite to color of piece, wich started on this square?

Charles Gilman wrote on Sat, Oct 23, 2010 06:37 AM UTC:
What would you call hte subvariant of Promethean Chess? Antimethean Chess, on the basis that pieces will be introduced 'anti' the camp where it happens? Or better still, how about Epimerthean Chess, after the mythical Prometheus' brother Epimetheus? The brothers' names mean foresigt and hindsight respectively.

Daniil Frolov wrote on Sat, Oct 23, 2010 12:37 PM UTC:
I looked in dictionary for Epimetheus. His nature really suits the game i described in previous comment :).

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