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Comments by sibahi
I wonder how the game would be like if two half-files were added in the same manner.
Just wondering.. http://www.chessvariants.org/contests/ are any designing contests going to be held any time soon ?
Sounds like a good game. I haven't played it yet, but looking forward to. The promotion rules would be easier to memorize if each piece was promoted to the compound piece the does NOT include itself. That is, N to Q , B to M , R to P . Er.. Also, can the Dragon King and Pope move through check ?
I am still playing the opening moves in one of these games. However, I've noticed that the knights are immediately under attack from the bishops from the very first move (provided a central pawn is pushed,) and once they're captured the bishops immediately threaten to capture the smothered rooks. Also, they're only protected by the two new major pieces.
Is it illegal to drop the bishops on similarly colored squares ?
My first impression about this game was the Camel's move. I believe if it was augmented as the Knight was, that is making a (3,1),(2,2),(4,0) leaper called the ENDCAMEL or something, would make things easier to memorize. The Endcamel is more mobile than the Endknight, yet color-bound. It's also less awkward than the original Camel. What do you think ? (I might come back with more thoughts later.) PS. I can see why you chose the Dicamel; it's the Endknight on the diagonal matrix. PS2. My apologies, I see you already have invented the Endcamel and called it the Endcaribou.
Just wondering, What if the knight in this game (and the knight's compounds) were replaced by Nightriders or Roses? AND .. the king's definition would be changed to : moves like the Ace but one step at the time ? That is (Wazir+Ferz+Knight.) What the game's name mean in English anyway? (sorry for my ignorance.)
If a game is finished, do we have to report it?
Since the game was played regularly in NOST, I wonder if any theory was developed, (and, more importantly, published.)
And, just a thought, what if the Knight and Camel (which are relatively weak due to the bigness of the board) were replaced by Charles Gilman's Endknight and Dicamel ?
The Endknight moves like a regular knight with the ability to jump 3 square orthogonally.
The Dicamel moves like a regular camel with the ability to jump 3 square diagonally.
They would still be called Knights and Camels, of course.
The current link does not show any preset. If you would change the link to : http://play.chessvariants.org/pbm/play.php?game%3DSpartan+Chess+28%26settings%3Dd rather than : http://play.chessvariants.org/pbm/play.php?game%3DSpartan+Chess+28%26settings%3Ddefault (write d instead of default.) The preset would work.
What if the knight was replaced by a wazir in these variants? (like rooks are replaced by nightriders.)
.. for example, the Nightrider version of the FIDE army would be :
Nightrider, Wazir, Bishop, Unicorn, King, Bishop, Wazir, Nightrider
The Schoolbook N would be :
Nightrider, Unicorn, Wazir, Bishop, Dragon Horse, King, Bishop, Wazir, Nightrider+Wazir (Dragon Knight?), Nightrider.
This can apply to all the variants. Similar armies and different armies.
Wazirs are certainly weaker than knights; but this, ideally, would compensate for the high mobility of Nightriders.
The Rose is called so because of its movement diagram. If you put in the middle of a 12x12 board and draw ALL the movement lines you will get the shape of a rose.
Excellent concept. Sounds interesting. (I wonder when where Seirawan first published this variant.)
an interesting thought, I wonder how the game would play out allowing some mutators? like Suicide, Atomic, Extinction, Alice, Magnetic .. etc .. I issued an invitation for Suicide Falcon Chess .. just to try it out. I really wonder if there are any lost openings to begin with.
My only objection to this game is the names of the pieces. Why not choose the universally known names (Archbishop and Chancellor) and settle with it ?
In fact the Wazir-Dabbabah and the Ferz-Alfil have already been invented by T.R. Dawson. To quote : -- A compound leaper is a piece that can make two or more different, non-null, patterns of leap. The simplest and best known of course is the king. Names for all combinations using coordinates less than 3 are: {0,1} + {1,1} = king, {0,1}+{0,2} = wazaba, {1,1}+{0,2} = diamond, {0,1}+(1,2} = emperor, {1,1}+{1,2} = prince, {0,2}+{1,2} = templar, {0,1}+{2,2} = caliph, {1,1}+{2,2} = ferfil, {0,2}+{2,2} = alibaba, {1,2}+{2,2} = hospitaler. Some other combinations named by chess problemists are: {0,2}+{1,2}+{2,2} = squirrel, {1,2}+{1,3} = gnu, {1,3}+{2,3} = bison. -- from : http://www.ktn.freeuk.com/9a.htm#(3) On a different note : Ralph Betza's Waffle and Chu Shogi's Phoenix are also called the Caliph. Charels Gilman's piece of the same name is a misnomer, because the Caliph is not a religious title. (It means successor.)
Just wondering, The article doesn't mention what happens when a Knight moves to an enemy Knight's square (or to an enemy's compound piece square.) I am assuming that what happens is normal capturing, but the notes in MiniThunder Chess suggest otherwise.
HTML takes more time to create .. Besides, I think the ASCII looks pretty. PS : at least I AM posting diagrams ..
my understanding is that the Alibabante is different from the Alibaba rider in that it is NOT a rider. It may leap 2, 4, 6, or 8 squares in any orthogonal or diagonal direction regardless whether the intermediate squares were occupied or not. Your description implies it is an Alibaba rider.
interesting concept, i wonder why the pieces weren't all stacked on one rank ?
If the removal of the doppleganger pawn was automatic, (not random,) like choosing the closest piece to the captured piece or choosing the closest to the left hand corner, the game wouldn't necessarily be better, but it would be easier to implement in a chess program or a chess server (you have only to make the move, and the program will take care of the rest.) Just a thought... I should try this game someday.
I wonder if someone considers making a Mini-Rococo (I can't think of a better name,) which uses the standard chess board and pieces (without flipping the rook) ? I would propose this setup : +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ 8 |\\\|\b\|\n\|\k\|\q\|\n\|\r\|\\\| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ 7 |\\\|:p:| p |:p:| p |:p:| p |\\\| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ 6 |\\\| |:::| |:::| |:::|\\\| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ 5 |\\\|:::| |:::| |:::| |\\\| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ 4 |\\\| |:::| |:::| |:::|\\\| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ 3 |\\\|:::| |:::| |:::| |\\\| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ 2 |\\\| P |:P:| P |:P:| P |:P:|\\\| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ 1 |\\\|\R\|\N\|\Q\|\K\|\N\|\B\|\\\| +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ a b c d e f g h The edge squares are marked with \\\ . Don't mind the checkering. P's are Canon pawns, they promote on the 7th or the 8th rank. K is King. Q is Pushme-Pullyu R is Immobilizer N is Long-Leaper B is swapper (or Chameleon, but i hate this piece.) What do you think ?
Continue : Mini-Rococo can be possibly played with the rule than no more than two pieces can be captured on the same turn. (Why two ? to make it different from chess, that's all.)
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