Comments by playtester
Something is wrong in the normal 8x8 preset programmed through logical directions since, using the "PLAY someone at the same location" resource, after any first move by White the board becomes circular. The same thing happens when trying to edit it. Surely this problem is related to what I reported before.

Reporting a problem on this preset. Between the image of the board and the options menu there is a clearly intrusive (extraviated) long text which is very cumbersome to have to skip.

There is a bug that prevents me from moving 50... q e1-g3 in this log: playtester-cvgameroom-2023-84-639.
The software warns:
Please report any bugs or errors to Fergus Duniho Syntax Error on line 392 won: else: say Stalemate! The game is drawn. is not a valid expression, because won: is not a recognized piece, coordinate, command, or subroutine.
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There seems to be a bug in the preset since I launched an invitation selecting the one from the normal 8x8 board but it was switched to the circular one.