Comments by Michael Taktikos
The rules you mentioned are correct, turnover applies both to own and to enemy pieces.
But the illegal move Ke8xd8 doesn't look like a turnover (in this case, that would be a combinination King + Queen to a completely new piece), but looks like a castling King - Queen.
Moreover, the King has already all 3 rings, so all ring-combinations including that of the Queen are already integrated in him. So he can be separated into two different pieces, but there is no piece to combine with him for a turnover - such a turnover would result in a piece not existing in chess
Hm, before the 3 points you cited, there was another one in the rules, let's call it point 0:
Its Wall can move or turnover one or two squares forward.
According to point 0, its wall can turnover one or two squares FORWARD, not sideways, and that makes sense, since the wall represents a pawn. I agree that point 3 you referred is expressed somehow unclear, leaving the impression that its wall can turnover in every direction including sideways, but that would contradict point 0.
An easy way to test the ID engine about legal moves and strength is to make a test game vs
(after setting the same startposition in the ID engine as in this site)
It is clear that the linked description is grossly inadequate...
Yes, the description should be more precise, in the present form it lets much space for interpretations
Note that the applet you refer to does allow friendly turnover for diagonally forward moves (but not to sideway moves). If I play b2-b3 (leaving a Citadel on b2), the next move I can play a1-b2 to turnover that Citadel. After c1-c2, c1-b1, c1-b1 it does not allow a1-cb1, though. So the applet doesn't treat all the castling squares the same way, which casts a lot of doubt on its correctness.
So does my Zillions implementation. If the rules are incorrect interpreted by the russian author of the applet, then in a mysterious way I made the same misinterpretations, so that it happens that my zrf and the applet are implementations of the same game and can play a match against each other.
If you are still in touch with the game inventor, it would be good to know his statement, if this game, independently implemented in the applet and in my zrf, is the same game he had in mind.
So how do you explain a diagonally forward move of a Castle can turnover, but neither move the entire Castle nor the Wall to an empty square?
Here is only my interpretation (can differ from what the inventor had in mind!): "Last Castle", "Normal Castle attacked by enemy" and "Normal Castle not-attacked" are not the same piece and they should have different names.
The last Castle should be automatically promoted to a King who cannot move/capture diagonally forward, the entire King is moved and no parts of him (Betza notation WbF) and after the move this King isn't allowed to be in check.
A normal (not-last) Castle attacked by the enemy can (but is not forced to) move/capture like a King, but only to squares not attacked by the enemy. If the attacked Castle doesn't move at all and is captured, that doesn't matter
A normal (not-last) Castle not-attacked by the enemy can only use it's outer Wall (pawn) moves: either 1 or 2 squares forward if they are empty, or turnover with an own piece 1 or 2 squares forward or 1 square forward diagonal or capture an enemy piece moving like the above mentioned King (Betza WbF)
As mentioned, this is just my interpretation of the rules, it is not necessary the opinion of the game inventor, and probably not upto date with the inventor's latest rule changes. For my taste, the rules especially for the "Castle", which is obviously the same name for multiple pieces with different move combinations, are way too complicated to be remembered and should be simplified if possible
The simplified rules you posted make sense, and are much easier to remember.
Especially that the game is lost with 0 Kings on the board, so that we have not to switch from non-royal to royal King, with each one having different move-combinations. And also that the King cannot turnover and only capture as Wazir, makes the over-complicated rules reasonable. Agree with your description 100%
![A game information page](/index/ms.gif)
Hello HGM,
"I heard that this increased its strength by about 1000 Elo over using the hand-crafted evaluation"
Have not trained a NNUE for Sereigi yet, but indeed, in Shogi the NNUE was over 1000 Elo above HCE. For now, I have defined Sereigi for FSF and integrated it in the Winboard GUI, just download it (, unzip it and start it in Winboard (it's the only engine I have included in the factory.ini file).
With the graphics via pieceToCharTable and the bitmaps folder of Winboard there are problems (could only apply the bmp of archbishop for the lance piece) Of course I can change the bmp's in the bitmaps folder, but that would make the Winboard GUI unusable for other games. The best for now may be to start manually from the command line
FSF2304 load variants.ini
memory 2048
cores 22 (the number of cores your processor has)
variant sereigi
st 10 (seconds per move)
and type some move in the notation g1f2 If a piece promotes, the sign + after the move is necessary, for example h8b2+
I would say, even without NNUE it plays at superhuman strength and is without doubt atm world's strongest Sereigi player, Enjoy
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Hello HGM,
thanks for implementing this interesting variant in the ID engine. (Indeed so interesting, that I registered here and write my first message now :)
For giving the ID engine a sparring partner, I have implemented it in Zillions (It is the TurnoverEndgame.zrf, beside there is also a TurnoverOpening.zrf with simplified win condition, so that it can look deeper):
To test the game with your start position, you can click on turnoverHGMStartposition.zsg (if Zillions is installed, of course)
Tried to test the zrf (10 sec/move) vs the ID diagram (2.5 ply), the first move was
The move of the Castle (= King) is illegal here. Hope to see a bugfix to test this interesting variant further