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Comments by jlennert
Hm. Regarding #1, I would expect lifting colorboundness to have some effect, but the Queen should presumably gain the same bonus, right? But your tests put the difference between Queen and Chancellor as barely higher than your difference between Bishop and Knight, so that presumably can't be a very large factor. Or, put another way, your difference between Queen and Archbishop seems to be much less than your difference between Rook and Knight, though both include an 'unbound Bishop' component. Regarding #2, that's an interesting thought, but I have a hard time believing that's significant. Ultimately, mating potential is an aggregate property of your entire army. Neither Bishop nor Knight can mate alone, but they can together (with assistance from a King). Yet I have never seen a valuation system that awards a 'pair bonus' for the mating potential of having both a Bishop and a Knight. I expect the standard values for those pieces probably include most or all of their 'fractional mating potential'. Plus, the material required to force a mate rises if your opponent has pieces left - why should a forced mate against a lone King be particularly more important than a forced mate against, say, King+Rook, which is often a win for a Queen but not an Archbishop. Also, if you wanted to test how much the Bishop would gain from the ability to mate, wouldn't it be easier to do that by adjusting the scoring rules so that you automatically win if it is your turn and you have B+K vs. K, rather than adding weird moves to the Bishop that may affect its value in other ways? And saying that Bishop and Knight synergize doesn't seem much different from restating the problem; isn't that just another way of saying that the Archbishop's value is higher than expected? I'm not sure that statement could be used to make any predictions. Here's another thought, though: 3. Stealth. A Bishop or Rook can chase away a Queen if they're defended, but a Knight can chase away a Queen even while undefended, because it can threaten the Queen without being threatened in return. You mentioned in the linked thread that the value of Knights in your test seemed to go up when removing Archbishop and Chancellor or replacing them with Queens; it doesn't seem outlandish to suppose Bishop may get a similar bonus if you leave only Chancellors, and Rooks when you leave only Archbishops. Some or all of that might be due to a 'monopoly' on their move type, but is it possible some is also due to their role in harassing the enemy compound? Knight and Bishop are fairly similar in value and ease of development, but Rooks are generally valued significantly higher and are notoriously hard to develop. Perhaps the Archbishop benefits from the fact that it's natural nemesis is slower and less expendable, allowing it to develop earlier and more aggressively? A further thought: you say your program seems to systematically undervalue Rooks. That suggests it may not be using them very effectively. Thus, if Rook play is important to countering an enemy Archbishop, that might explain away some of its high value as a legitimate effect of army composition, but might ALSO explain away another part of it as an artifact of your program's play style. The following might be interesting tests: 1. See if Bishops are stronger with Chancellor as the only super, and Rooks with Archbishops. 2. See if the value of Knights gets progressively higher as more Queens are added, or if they just get a fixed bonus for being the only hippogonal mover. Your test gave the Knights a lower win percentage in the game where both sides had 3 Queens, but that may just be because the Knights made up a larger percentage of the total force in the other game. I would suggest testing piece arrays with varying numbers of Queens and no hippogonal movers besides Knights, but similar total material value. 3. Test values of Camel, Zebra, and their compounds with Rook and Bishop. If (e.g.) Rook+Camel is weaker (compared to Chancellor) than expected based on a Camel vs. Knight comparison, that could be because the Rook+Camel is subject to stealthy attacks from enemy Knights. 4. Replace Knights or Bishops with orthogonal leapers, such as WD, and see if this affects the value of the Archbishop. 5. If you think a sizable component of Archbishop's value comes from its ability to eat Pawn chains, you could try playing with alternate Pawns, e.g. Berolina Pawns. That would probably upset a lot more than the Archbishop's value, though, so may not be very informative. I'd be happy to donate some CPU time to assist with testing (Vista, Core 2 Duo).
Derek Nalls, if I understand this correctly, you say the Queen gets a bonus that cancels out the colorbound penalty that an unpaired piece with only its Bishop move would suffer (which seems fairly reasonable), but also say that the Archbishop receives a bonus of twice the magnitude because its non-Bishop moves are 100% color-switching, while the Queen's non-Bishop moves are only 50% color-switching. It seems to me that this assertion requires defense against at least 3 fundamental and fairly obvious criticisms: 1. Colorboundness is generally believed to be a disadvantage due to its effect on board coverage, NOT single-move mobility: a colorbound piece can access only half the board even when given an infinite number of moves, while, say, a Wazir, despite reaching many fewer squares than a Bishop on a single move, can eventually get anywhere. One can imagine that a piece that can access some fraction greater than half but less than all of the board would have a similar but smaller penalty, but the Knight and Rook (and thus, all compounds including them) can already tour the entire board. So why should we give the least regard to what percentage of their moves are color-switching, as long as they have 100% board coverage? And even if there is some reason we should care, surely SOME part of the colorbound penalty should scale to coverage, rather than mobility? 2. How can it possibly make sense to lift 200% of a penalty? Surely the proper procedure is to derive the value of the Archbishop's movement pattern from first principles, without regard to the practical values of its individual components, in which case the penalty is simply never applied in the first place? You seem to imply that an Archbishop invented by combining the moves of the Bishop and Knight is stronger than an identical piece invented from whole cloth by someone who has never heard of the Bishop or Knight - or that the Rook would magically become stronger if I said that MY Rook is not a Wazir-rider but actually a compound super-piece including the moves of the lame Dabbaba-rider (colorbound) and lame slip-Rook (color-switching). Surely that cannot be your intent? 3. You imply that the Archbishop is somehow 'twice as color-switching' as the Queen, but that doesn't appear to be true by any reasonable metric I can devise. The Rook's movement is on average more than 50% color-switching, unless the board is both empty AND infinite, and you have neglected the fact that the Rook is a larger fraction of the Queen's movement than the Knight is of the Archbishop's. On an 8x8 board, using Betza's crowded mobility calculation and magic number 0.7, a Queen has a mobility of 14.0, of which 5.1 (37%) comes from its color-switching moves, while an Archbishop has a mobility of 11.2, of which 5.25 (47%) comes from its color-switching moves. While the Archbishop has more color-switching movement, it isn't remotely close to double the Queen's, even by percentages. And I'm not sure why we should focus on percentages - once you have a given number of color-switching moves, surely adding more color-preserving moves only makes the piece stronger? In absolute terms, they're nearly equal. I haven't done the calculation on an 8x10 board, but I expect if anything it will bring them closer together, since the extra width presumably adds more mobility to the Rook than to the Knight. On the next page, you award the Archbishop another sizable bonus for canceling the Knight's color-switching limitation (twice the bonus you give the Chancellor, for reasoning similar to the above). But I am not persuaded that color-switching is ANY disadvantage whatsoever (recall that the colors of squares have no direct game-mechanical significance). Muller and I discussed the issue in the comments on Betza's ideal and pratical values part 3, and the only thing we came up with was Muller's suggestion that a switching piece may have a very slight disadvantage in an endgame because it is unable to lose a tempo by triangulation. I cannot imagine this effect would be larger than a whole host of other subtle considerations we are neglecting. Though perhaps an answer to point #1 above would address this as well. I am not terribly eager to read the entire 64-page document unless you can point out where these issues are addressed.
Nalls: 'Besides, if you convinced me that the concepts I use to calculate are invalid, then my calculations would be thrust into gross inaccuracy against measurable, indisputable reality. I prefer to keep my calculations consistent with established piece values in FRC worldwide and in CRC (esp. Muller's experiments).' Then your theory is utterly devoid of value. If it produces trustworthy results only for the values we already know, and does not even provide a believable explanation for why those values should be what they are, then it fails even to confirm what we already know, let alone tell us anything new. To what use could such a theory possibly be put? I am happy to read a 65-page document, or even longer, if a short sample or synopsis suggests it to be worth reading. I read all of Betza's work on the values of Chess pieces that I could find. ... The sample of your work (selected by you) that I read suggested your ideas are poorly-explained, ill-justified, and at times directly contradictory with observed facts. It looks like you simply made up arbitrary modifiers in order to get the quantitative results you were expecting, which is just a way of lying with numbers. Your follow-up comments suggest that's exactly what you intended, and that you have no interest in a theory with actual predictive or explanatory power... And suggesting that I need to have my own universal theory of piece values in order to critique yours is... not how criticism works in ANY field.
The WDN vs. FAN doesn't seem so surprising to me; I believe it is commonly accepted that Ferz is stronger than Wazir, despite its colorboundness, probably because of its greater forwardness. However, as the length of a move increases, the probability that it is still on the board drops off more quickly for diagonal moves than orthogonal ones. The average chance that a one-space move is on the board doesn't differ much between orthogonal and diagonal (.875 vs. .766, a factor of 1.14), while the difference for a seven-space move is much larger (1/8 vs. 1/64, a factor of 8). Thus, the relative mobility advantage of Rook over Bishop (1.6 on empty board, 1.37 with 30% crowding) is much higher than Wazir over Ferz. I suspect the Rook-move may also gain a bonus for King-restriction (controlling a continuous region the enemy royal piece can't cross), though that's purely speculative. It would be interesting to see how the values of pieces change when substituting a royal piece with a different move pattern.
In testing a short-rook or similar piece, I don't know how you'd distinguish the effect of different King-interdiction from the more general (and presumably much larger) effect on general fighting power due to losing several moves. The Rook that jumps its first two squares might also derive a measurable advantage from ease of development and stealthy attacks, especially if Muller's computer tests are undervaluing the Rook due to early-game bias. Controlled testing on Chess pieces is very challenging, since they have so many interactions and emergent properties; devising two pieces that differ only in the property you want to test is difficult and fraught with error.
Is Joker80 unable to play with fairy pieces for some reason?
Victory Point Games is a small publisher and didn't want to go over 100 cards for a single release, but yes, I'm working on expansions. I hope you enjoy the game!
Ralph Betza's 'About the Value of Chess Pieces' would be an excellent place to start: http://www.chessvariants.org/d.betza/pieceval/index.html
I'm open to suggestions for attracting interest. I know only the barest essentials of Navia Dratp, and don't personally know anyone who plays. I can imagine there might be some overlap of interest with For the Crown, but I'm hardly going to search for random Navia forums and spam them with advertisements for my own game.
I have not submitted an entry for For the Crown to chessvariants.org yet; I suppose I'll have to look into the procedures for that.
For the Crown is a 'deck-building' game in the sense of Dominion, not in the sense of collectible games like Magic: the Gathering. You don't build a deck before the game starts; you build up your deck during the game by 'buying' cards from a common supply. So unless you're using the terms in a way I'm not familiar with, the Constructed/Limited distinction doesn't really apply. There are no blank cards in the initial release (I wanted to fit in as many real cards as possible), but I don't see any reason we couldn't sell blank cards separately in the future if there's interest.
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What makes you think that a color-switching piece would be weaker than a non-color-switching one? It is easy to understand that color-boundness is disadvantageous because it means there are squares you cannot reach even with an unlimited number of moves, but color-switching implies no similar disadvantage that I can see. A knight can famously tour the entire board. If I were to guess, I would say the Bison is likely weakest of the three, because I conjecture it is more useful to have both a shorter and a longer move than to have two long moves. The long move gives you speed, but the shorter gives you more maneuverability. But this is only a guess.
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If we use Betza's theory of ideal piece values, then the gnu, gazelle, and bison are each four 'atoms', and therefore should be worth about 7 pawns each (similar to his estimate for the bishop+knight compound, though Muller has some empirical evidence suggesting that piece may be stronger than its mobility suggests). The buffalo is 6 atoms, and so should be worth more than a queen (5 atoms). We can't simply multiply the number of atoms by some magic number, though, because value grows faster than linearly. Maybe 11-12 pawns? The wizard is 3 atoms and colorbound, so should be comparable to the FAD (4 pawns). However, Betza also comments that pieces with long leaping moves are dangerous in a game with an FIDE-ish starting position, because they may be able to make swift, unblockable attacks on the enemy back rank and win heavy material in the early game. That could possibly elevate the value of any of the above pieces. Assuming the Panda cannot be blocked on the squares that it doesn't reach, then it has about 75% of the average crowded-board mobility of a Rook (with magic number = .7). It might get a bonus for faster development. I would guess between 3 and 4 pawns.
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Unless I am mistaken, the Bison cannot triangulate either. Attacking the same square after a move is an advantage, but attacking a different square after a move is also an advantage. I'm not currently persuaded that the former is better. You mention forking power, but attacking a new square seems likely to be better for that--if one of the pieces you 'fork' was already threatened and your opponent chose to leave it in place (and you chose not to capture it), then the fork isn't likely to distress him overmuch, is it? It is interesting to compare the Bison to the Centaur (WFN, knight+king). Both have 16 moves, but the Centaur's power is concentrated, while the Bison's is dispersed. If you drop them on a random location on a crowded chessboard, the Centaur reaches more squares on average (because its moves are less likely to be limited by the edge of the board), but the Bison has more squares it can reach within 2 moves. I've played with both in For the Crown, and found the Centaur effective for defense and (with support) for forcing a checkmate, but the Bison appears to have far more forking power and makes an excellent harassing piece (though part of this advantage seems to come from 'stealth', having more moves that are not shared by enemy pieces). Though perhaps players with greater skill would draw different conclusions.
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@J�rg: I don't follow. Unlike a rook, the rhino cannot confine a king to an edge without assistance. In fact, it cannot confine the enemy king ANYWHERE without assistance--its attack pattern is porous. The friendly king needs to stay close to the enemy king to plug the gaps. It's not even clear to me that rhino+king could force the enemy king to an edge in the first place. If you take the diagram nnz posted, the rhino delivers the check, so it must have been the last piece moved. Which means the lone king's last move must have been from g8 to h8. So: black king g8, white king h6. In order to force the king into the corner, the rhino needs to be some place that attacks both f8 and f7, and to deliver the checkmate it also needs to be able to reach e7 in one move. That pattern of three adjacent squares does not appear anywhere in the rhino's movement diagram. You can't rewind the position shown even one move. Therefore, the rhino cannot force the exact position shown. HOWEVER, a similar mate might still be possible; the rhino could also deliver the mate from c6 or a5. A rhino at e5 threatens f7 and f8 and can also reach c6 to deliver the mate. Perhaps you might also do better to locate the friendly king at g6 instead of h6. So the exact diagram nnz posted is not possible without collusion, but I still don't know whether it's possible to force a mate or not. My suspicion is not, but I haven't given it extensive thought.
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I thought the definition of 'major' was 'able to FORCE checkmate with only the aid of a King'? If your standard is 'able to deliver a checkmate if the enemy King cooperates', I believe the Rook also qualifies (can checkmate enemy King near the center of an edge if friendly King has opposition). But I can't for the life of me think of any reason that would matter. The force mate definition tells you the minimum amount of material you need to preserve to win a simplified endgame. How does knowing that a Bishop could hypothetically deliver a checkmate *if your opponent decides to help you* have any effect on gameplay, let alone piece values?
Consider a piece that moves as a Man, but that is not removed from the game when captured; instead, the Immortal is placed in the owner's hand, and can be dropped on any empty square in his first or second rank on any future turn (instead of making a regular move). What is the value of such a piece? For purposes of exchanges, one could argue the material value is zero; meaning that compensation required for the owner to be willing to exchange it is equal only to its positional value. But the more interesting question is, how much material would you be willing to sacrifice from your starting array in order to start with an Immortal? Obviously, this value must be at least as much as a Man, and is probably very much greater. Any ideas on how to estimate it, other than brute force playtesting? Some factors to consider: - While it is easy to imagine an Immortal gobbling up entire armies one by one, one should keep in mind that it is slow, and realistically probably cannot force an exchange against most enemy pieces unless it has support. - However, a piece is never 'defended' against an Immortal's attack, no matter how many pieces stand ready to recapture. - Unless I'm mistaken, a King + Immortal (or even King + Man) can force mate against a lone King. - The minimum material required to force an endgame mate against a player who controls an Immortal is significantly increased.
In a FIDE-like game, I would expect the Immortal to be much weaker than the Mamra, which does not require support to pass through a threatened square (as long as the threat does not come from a pawn) and can easily checkmate the enemy King completely unaided (and regardless of any non-pawn defenders). The page you link advocates sacrificing a Queen and a Rook to create a hole in the opponent's pawn wall through which the Mamra can charge, which suggests the Mamra is worth significantly more than a Queen (and that wouldn't surprise me in the least). The Immortal poses no remotely comparable threat that I can see. However, the Mamra's value probably varies wildly depending on the other pieces on the board, both because it is a highly specialized piece and because it is vulnerable only to a specific type of enemy piece. The Immortal's value also probably varies more than most, but not to the same extent. Relying *entirely* on testing to balance a piece is 'brute force' in the sense that it makes no attempt to leverage information unique to the piece being tested, and is not even CLOSE to the speed or accuracy you suggest. What you describe, where you 'estimate' (by unspecified means) a value that is somehow magically within +/- 1.0 pawns initially and even more magically within +/- 0.5 pawns the next game is not balancing based on testing, it's balancing based on intuition (with exceedingly optimistic estimates of accuracy). Intuition occasionlly works very well but often fails catastrophically and is completely irreproducible. And yes, that is no doubt the primary means by which most CVs are balanced, but I was hoping for something a little more insightful.
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I believe you have reinvented the dababba-rider, also known as skip-rook. Betza discusses that piece in Ideal and Practical Values part 3, and uses it as a building block in his Avian Airforce army in the same article. I think your estimate of its value at 3 pawns is almost certainly too high, though. Using Betza magic number 0.7, DD has about 60% of the crowded-board mobility of R, but it loses the King-interdiction power and can reach only 1/4 of the squares on the board. Betza's 'Wader' adds Wazir move, which removes colorboundness and adds mating potential, but he still estimates it as weaker than a Rook, whereas he estimates NW as equal, suggesting DD alone would be substantially weaker than N. I'm also curious where your valuation of the Amazon comes from, though it seems vaguely plausible. I must say, though, I think these 'different armies' that have more pieces in common with FIDE than they have different are a bit silly. It seems to me not so much a new army as just a single new piece. If we're not going to try to have themes or account for value-modifiers to specific combinations of pieces, then creating a new army is as simple as using point-buy rule, and thousands could easily be created by simple enumeration. To be worth naming and discussing, I think an army ought to have a cohesive theme and some serious thinking done about how its components interact.
Betza seemed to believe the BN was significantly weaker than Q (see cost table in Buypoing Chess, http://www.chessvariants.org/d.betza/chessvar/buypoint.html ). So Knappen's remark is at least a plausible guess at Betza's original reasoning, even if that valuation turns out to be incorrect. Muller, it would be interesting to test your theory by letting pawns promote to something at least a full pawn weaker than a minor piece--perhaps a Wazir, or a backwards-facing pawn. This should mean that it is no longer worthwhile to sacrifice a minor piece to prevent a promotion. If you are correct that the power of the promoted piece has little effect because the threat of promotion rarely coerces the sacrifice of more than a minor piece, then the difference between W and WD promotion should be greater than the difference between WD and Q promotion, even though a WD is closer in value to W than Q. On the other hand, if the difference is not noticeable simply because promotion is very rare and so its average effect is not large enough to measure, then changing the promoted piece to W should also have negligible effect.
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It sounds like his Rook was captured en passant, which would indeed be a computer error. Hard to be certain without a more precise description, though.
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Proving that red does not have a forced win would be equivalent to proving that white has either a forced win or a forced draw. Even if that's true, it would be quite a lot of work to prove. However, even if red has a forced win, the game might still be nontrivial if it is sufficiently long and complicated. (Remember we still don't know for sure whether either player has a forced win in orthodox Chess.) I'm pretty sure red can win within 3 moves if white opens with anything other than e3. Most openings allow 1...Qe8, 2...Qxe+. If 1.e4 then Qd4 threatens Qxd2+ or Qxf2+ and white can't block both. If 1.d3 or 1.d4 (so the Bishop can jump in front of e pawn), then 1...Qh5 2.g4 Qxg4 and 3...Qxe2+ can only be stopped by 3.d3 Qh4+. I'm not seeing any short forced win if white opens with e3, though there are several sequences red can try where white has to make exactly the right counter several moves in a row. A computer could probably tell us by exhaustive computation whether red has a SHORT forced win, at least (say, within 10-20 moves). Of course, that might be construed as 'ruining' the game.
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I sent an email to the general contact listed on this page over 3 weeks ago and never got a response. Is that address current?
There is finally a page up for For the Crown:
I'm not entirely sure what you hope to do with it, but there you are.
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