Check out Makruk (Thai Chess), our featured variant for March, 2025.

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Claudio Martins Jaguaribe wrote on Thu, Oct 4, 2007 06:52 PM EDT:
Sorry not send the pieces and ideas yet.

I had a problem with my hd and bought a new computer with Vista... So,
I'm having a hard time retrieving my back up data.

I'm also looking for an incomplete written version of the file that my
maid stashed elsewhere in my room.

Wich one I got my hands first I'll send to the wiki.

Hugs! And pints 4U all!

PS: Some of the pieces, e.g., the violent ox, I have then in these files.
At least the back up one...

Claudio Martins Jaguaribe wrote on Wed, Oct 10, 2007 08:57 PM EDT:

Check the chessvariants inbox!


Ninjutsu (Claustrophobia 2). The fierce double capture leaping pieces: the Ninja Warriors and the Ninja Guards can promote to Insane Ninja Knights! (8x5, Cells: 46) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Claudio Martins Jaguaribe wrote on Fri, Oct 19, 2007 11:49 PM EDT:
Did you ever thought about a weaker version of the insane ninja knight? A ninja knight (or a ninja assassin)? Just a ninja warrior + ninja guard compund, without the knight element?

Hugs and pints 4U!

[Subject Thread] [Add Response]
Claudio Martins Jaguaribe wrote on Mon, Oct 22, 2007 04:04 PM EDT:

To my point of view, there's two aproaches to the question 'Is there a
Universal/Standart Chess variant'?:

1- Theoretical: to me, the answer is: 'Non'!(Marcel Marceau in 'Silent
Movie') I even dare to paraphrase what Harry Kursh said about franchising
contracts: 'There is not now, never has been, and probably never will be
anithing resembling a 'standart', or 'average', or 'typical' chess
variant'. (Just take a look at the pages to see it, it is intuitive).

2- Comercial: this is an entire different ball game! Taht takes seroius
	i-Is there a market? My answer is yes.
	ii- How big that market is? I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure that it
can grow fast if well managed (perhaps the people that plays wargames and
miniature games, like Warhammer 40k, gets some interest).
	iii- How to present the product? The starter set and expansions looks
fine to me, but a selling of individual pieces, board tiles and frames to
replace lost and broken itens would be nice.
	iv- What should contain the starter set? A rulebook teaching to assembly
the board and the game rules, two boxes, one for the tile set other for
the pieces, a tile set
(, a frame
to keep the tiles togheter (2 or more, each for game), a set of plastic
pieces to play the variants (I'm nice with the molded plastic discs, my
personal favorite would be an Estrategolike piece, just rememember to make
the pieces 0.2 inches tall to make easier to handle, without mandarin
nails, to see what I'm talking about try to get quarters from a flat
smooth surface and then aks a long nail woman to do it, see the
	v- What should contain an expansion set? The rulebook, tiles (if needed),
frame and pieces.
	vi- Wich variants should be in the starter set? No idea.
	vii how much would it cost? No idea again, but I hope that the starter
set should be around US$40.00 and expansions around half, more or less,
after all some will have more pieces, tiles and frames, others not.

A final reminder: some pieces have lifes of their own, like all atoms,
independent of the variants so, could be for sale even whithout a chess
game to them.

Hope I helped. I just took the idea from my hobby set and tried apply some
raw economics and organized structure.

HUgs and pinsts 4UAll

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Claudio Martins Jaguaribe wrote on Wed, Oct 24, 2007 10:26 PM EDT:
To those who have a Orkut profile, I've created this space.

HUgs and pints 4UAll.

PS: I've used the CV page logo, if there is a problem, let me know and
I'll remove it rightaway!

[Subject Thread] [Add Response]
Claudio Martins Jaguaribe wrote on Thu, Nov 6, 2008 11:58 AM EST:
How does move the castle?

I didn't found it in the text.


[Subject Thread] [Add Response]
Claudio Martins Jaguaribe wrote on Thu, Nov 6, 2008 09:01 PM EST:
Does exists any variant where the pawns begins in the first and last row?


Claudio Martins Jaguaribe wrote on Fri, Nov 7, 2008 10:31 AM EST:
What I had in mind would be a non-royal king variant.

The name kids for the pawns came because they are helpless, not even flee
they can! And theirs attacks are feeble ('bite and scratch').

In this variation the objective would be exterminate all the opposite

About the idea of working or not, that's a good question... I had a
Chemistry teacher that loves to talk about the theoretical compounds and
tell wich was real and wich as not.

Perhaps  there's variations that only work in theory, as some pieces, but
they can help to develop others that are real.

So, would be nice if we get just theoretical pieces and variants in one


ZigZag Madness. Featuring the crooked dual path sliders: the ZigZag Bishop and the ZigZag Rook. (10x10, Cells: 100) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Claudio Martins Jaguaribe wrote on Thu, Nov 20, 2008 11:30 AM EST:Good ★★★★

I liked it!

But, looks to me that is a template, as the snake. A template that can be applied to the various atoms and generals.

1 step in the divergent direction followed by 2 in the main direction, or the reverse, it can be applied to the man, the generals (again), and the Z family.


Claudio Martins Jaguaribe wrote on Fri, Nov 21, 2008 08:11 PM EST:

I'm really hurt!

After all you've engaged in endless debates about the name zigzag, even answered a anonymous poster, but, didn't got time to answer the only comment about the pieces...

What can I say?

I'm really hurt and speechless, after all, in all the comments, mine was the only one to look the pieces by theirs moves as they are. I've looked to the math, not name, not value, just the formula you used to develop it.

And, I've got no answer. Why?

Here, is a space where I avoid any kind of discussion or self glorification. But I'm human too! And see a anonymous poster got answer, where the ONLY GOOD rating you got was mine... Just take a look. The only one who got you a good rating you've ignored.

Think about it!


Claudio Martins Jaguaribe wrote on Sat, Nov 29, 2008 10:10 AM EST:
Sorry Charles... I’ve been very busy.

What I've meant was that whe are all coming to a stage where you, my point of view, are a leader. Because we just develop templates, not a single new move, after all, there are only 8 directions to move a piece.

Charles Gilman got the taxonomy of most of the pieces, and is the fountain where I drink from (him and Derek Nalls). But, to me, you are a 'ranger' (sorry about the RPG quote) that got new paths. 

To me, you are template master, the one who I work to got to the formula, and I work hard!

In the concept of atoms, we got only 8 directions to move a piece (the knight is considered an atom, but I don’t think this way). So, to me, the Silver and Gold Generals are atoms, as most pieces of Shogi (in moving one square), a look in All The Kings Men will clarify this idea. The “Z” family, look the piececlopedia, is the most unusual piece movement combo (1 diagonal, plus 1 orthogonal), so using then as short range pieces are atoms too.

My question is the usual, how often do you consider apply your templates in a Queens or a General? And, if I may add, combine them in the “move as, capture as”? In a nutshell: Do you have any limit that you have when develops a piece? (What you consider, discard, etc).

Mostly when I posted the comment, the ideas that I got is to diversify using the templates in other pieces (atoms). Or variations as the “move/capture”.

Do you discard those or keep it in mind to another variant?

In a final note: keep working!

Alternate Promotion Chess. Pieces promoted at one end of the board are promoted further at the other. (8x8, Cells: 64) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Claudio Martins Jaguaribe wrote on Sat, Dec 13, 2008 12:39 PM EST:

Did you ever considered the names Sultan for King+Camel and Sultaness for Queen + Camel?


[Subject Thread] [Add Response]
Claudio Martins Jaguaribe wrote on Sun, Jan 11, 2009 11:51 AM EST:
Can someone make a tarot cards variation?

I've tried and got nothing, perhaps a wiki variation, with all of us
thinking about all the 22 cards could do in the board?

My problem was that sometimes I got the same effect in different cards,
e.g., The Death and The Devil ans in others as The Justice I had no clue
about what to say...


Mitred Framing 1: 8x8 to 10x10. Adding a rim of forward-only pieces around a FIDE-size board. (10x10, Cells: 100) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Claudio Martins Jaguaribe wrote on Sun, Apr 5, 2009 11:49 PM EDT:Excellent ★★★★★
Dear mr. Gillman:

Please read it all before answer this comment. I tried to send it to your mail but I didn't got it.

I believe that you should pack your stuff and leave the site, i.e., take all your production and make a more detailed book, with lots of pics.

That doesn't mean that you must remove your work or are not alowed to post anymore.

Is just that I've tried to print all your material for bedside reading and I've noticed that was a book already! And I believe that you should print it, add diagrams and make some good profit from your good work.

If you do that, dont forget to send a signed copy for your brazilian fan.


All the King's Men. Page describing variant chess pieces.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Claudio Martins Jaguaribe wrote on Fri, Apr 17, 2009 05:28 PM EDT:
This page no longer exists.

Man and Beast Overview and Glossary. Table summarising what piece characteristics Man and Beast articles cover, with glossary of terms used to describe pieces.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Claudio Martins Jaguaribe wrote on Tue, Apr 21, 2009 03:39 PM EDT:Excellent ★★★★★
It is a start and a great help.

Chess. The rules of chess. (8x8, Cells: 64) (Recognized!)[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Claudio Martins Jaguaribe wrote on Wed, Apr 22, 2009 07:16 PM EDT:
Yes, the pawn, the bishops and the queen.


Chieftain Chess. Missing description (16x12, Cells: 192) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Claudio Martins Jaguaribe wrote on Tue, May 19, 2009 04:37 PM EDT:Excellent ★★★★★
Joe, I have 3 questions:

I- Can a chief divide it's movents? I mean, instead of a 3-0, have a 2-1 or a 1-1-1 movements in his unit?

II- What happens to 'orphans'? (Pieces that lost theirs chiefs). Mus they await for rescue from another chief?

III- A piece 3 squares away still under the chief control or not?


Claudio Martins Jaguaribe wrote on Thu, May 21, 2009 06:21 PM EDT:

Thanks a lot!

I've been thinking about unit movement. I believe that there is a variant with this concept. You could move the whole block (chief and the adjacent pieces) until achieve a 'combat range', where formation is breaked and pieces start to move on their own, under the chief desire.


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Claudio Martins Jaguaribe wrote on Tue, Jun 30, 2009 11:05 PM EDT:
All of then Rich. After all, they are just thoughts without mass, lots of
efemeral ideas wich a few ones become solid and materialize in boards and

Overkill Chess. Paired pieces are compounds of 2 FIDE elements, King's partner of all three. (8x8, Cells: 64) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Claudio Martins Jaguaribe wrote on Tue, Jul 28, 2009 02:27 AM EDT:Excellent ★★★★★
I liked it!

But, 2 questions, one about the game and the other about the man and beast articles (sort of):

1- Why not a centaur instead of a king? Too powerful?

2- If you would create the orthochess today, as a new game, no historical predecessors how would be the names of the pieces?


[Subject Thread] [Add Response]
Claudio Martins Jaguaribe wrote on Wed, Aug 5, 2009 11:24 PM EDT:

I'm a fan of chess variants since I was a kid. The net just put me in
contact with others...

After all, I was that kid...

'-The pawn mives this way...
_Said who?! WHY NOT THIS WAY?! So, it wuoldn't be such a domb piece!'

And began to try myself with pieces.

Thats why I like variants.


Claudio Martins Jaguaribe wrote on Thu, Aug 6, 2009 03:06 PM EDT:

I began this way, really, because I needed to see some pieces, like ferz
and wazir, or a long range pawn...

But, because of a storm, I was stranded in the library of my university,
so, I took a enciclopedia book to read about the entry chess. I discovered
a whole new world, and I loved it! I saw that I was not alone, others
before me had the same idea, and reading about theirs pieces, I became a
fan of the ballet of the pieces in the board.

So, I started to design in my mind, and then, I've foud you guys!

[Subject Thread] [Add Response]
Claudio Martins Jaguaribe wrote on Thu, Aug 6, 2009 11:35 PM EDT:

In the yahoo group, there is a very funny text that compares chess as a
brand new war game, Ibelive that somoe of your questions are in there.

Others can be developed here.

With this text in mind, I've been thinking about a wargame variant, in a
huge board.

Take a look at it.


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Claudio Martins Jaguaribe wrote on Sat, Aug 29, 2009 07:37 AM EDT:
Looking to the maorider, I remembered 3 pieces that I've devised but

The mao moves WF, and the maorider moves n(WF), with that whe can think of
moa and moo riders.

The pieces I devised reach the same squares that the maorider, but moves
n(W)n(F), with the same kindred pieces.

Are those pieces new?

With litle math people can do the same for camels and etc.


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