Check out Balbo's Chess, our featured variant for October, 2024.

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Comments by Charles Daniel

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Drawless Chess. Simple rules are added to make draws impossible. (8x8, Cells: 64) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Charles Daniel wrote on Fri, Aug 24, 2007 05:57 PM UTC:Poor ★
Agreed that this is not a variant. Thought the throne square marked with X has some strategic points though. 

There is no draw problem in chess. (Agreed draws among Grandmasters and openings being played out is a problem for EXTREMELY high level chess) 
Chess is not a spectator sport. Play the game yourself - unless you are a 2500+ rated player you will not get more than 5-10% draws. 

Of course 2 knights and king vs king is a draw - it should have been a hard fought draw though. Complaining about draws indicates inadequate understanding of chess and/or excessive obsession with grandmaster games (while not playing any at all).

Stalemate is ironically a very logical outcome which is why it was introduced. The king must be captured by the opposite side - if there is no move available, it *can* kill itself.

Charles Daniel wrote on Fri, Aug 24, 2007 06:09 PM UTC:
One more  thing though: 
If the inventor had concentrated only on point 1 - the throne square - we might have something.

I think this variant would work discarding points 2 + 3 (make 3 move repetition a draw, stalemate a draw just as in standard chess) .

It is illegal to move to throne square if you put yourself in check. 

It could be interesting because sometimes even a bare king vs king and rook may win! 

Too bad, this idea was sunk by the *need* to correct an imaginary 'flaw' in chess.

Complementarity - Part I. With Short Range Project in mind, list of a highly specific set of pieces defined by simplest compounds.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Charles Daniel wrote on Tue, Aug 28, 2007 08:43 PM UTC:
Just a comment on Sam's 31 short-range pieces comment: 

I noticed he mentioned the lion as worth 2 queens. Perhaps, on a very crowded small space, but I don't see how this can be on a large open board. 

In my game Asylum Chess, the piece Insane Ninja Knight has the moves of a lion (and double capture too).I say  its worth slightly less than a queen in this game on an open board. 

 I don't see any clear description of the lion except in Cho Shogi game (and they are some differences). 

(In fact, I initially thought that the ninja knight was never seen before in any form!) 

I have yet to see the Lion used in any other game. 
 Perhaps, it is assumed that a jumping piece should not be too powerful or the gameplay would not be balanced?

Falcon Chess. Game on an 8x10 board with a new piece: The Falcon. (10x8, Cells: 80) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Charles Daniel wrote on Fri, Aug 31, 2007 04:23 PM UTC:
Have you thought about this preset: 


Notice that all the pawns are protected. The 10X10 also is a lot more roomier for the extra pair of pieces.

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Charles Daniel wrote on Fri, Sep 14, 2007 02:29 AM UTC:
The scoring changes were tried before - I think Clint 'something' ...
suggested 3pt for black win, 2pt for white win, 1pt for black draw and 0
for white draw. 

There is nothing wrong with the game of chess (orthodox) - its just
analyzed to death.
If only the top players (GMs) can look through every chess variant and
pick the one that they feel keeps the beauty, strategy etc of the original

A 10x10 with a few new pieces seems best in my opinion .. 

That would be a chess tournament worth watching.

Charles Daniel wrote on Sat, Sep 15, 2007 01:46 AM UTC:
Chess (orthodox at least) has in my opinion perfected the rules governing
the draw. Stalemate been a draw is very important in chess, and yes,
Chinese chess it is a win, but I think it is not logical that way. It
looks more like the draw outcome was not considered important. 
The problem in FIDE chess championships/tournaments - short agreed draws.

Once that is not allowed - the draws are PERFECTLY acceptable. 
The only other problem with orthodox chess is the analysis factor - too
many games - too much theory. A new game with the SAME rules but 1 or 2
new pieces will be an ideal candidate for 'evolution'. 

Sure you can play around with eliminating draws, but most chess lovers
will take issue and righfully so. 

Also, the games played today esp. Anand and Kramnik were very exciting. So
even at this high level it has a lot of life left.

Charles Daniel wrote on Sun, Sep 16, 2007 02:54 AM UTC:
Yup -.. Regarding chinese chess - Yes, it may very well be logical within
that context. It is the idea of Orthodox chess have stalemate=win by
comparing to Chinese Chess that's flawed  

Regarding WC
The two Draws:
Anand - Kramnik: 1/2
Leko - Gelfand: 1/2 
were even more exciting than 
Morozevich - Svidler: 1-0 
These were hard fought draws, not the horrible short agrement draws.

Palace Ninja Guards. A pair of short-range diagonal leapers and four extra squares are added to the standard chessboard and pieces. (8x8, Cells: 68) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
💡📝Charles Daniel wrote on Mon, Oct 1, 2007 03:01 AM UTC:
You are free to submit it to zillions. I think the movement should be clear enough from the description.

💡📝Charles Daniel wrote on Mon, Oct 1, 2007 05:53 PM UTC:
The ninja guard cannot move beyond 2 squares and only move diagonally - I think that is clear. 

What you are asking should be possible IF there is no empty square between the friendly piece and enemy piece as in diagram  described by the line:
'It can capture the pawn on b6 by jumping over the knight at c5.'

Are you asking if there is an empty square after the knight on c5 (b6 was empty) if it can capture a piece say on a7? The answer is NO since it can only jump or move 1 or 2 squares diagonally. 

I will reword the description - there seems to be some confusion with it.

Bland Chess. Chess with no diagonal moves. (8x8, Cells: 64) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Charles Daniel wrote on Fri, Oct 5, 2007 09:45 PM UTC:Poor ★
Bland chess? 
And we wonder why chess players avoid chess variants!

Palace Ninja Guards. A pair of short-range diagonal leapers and four extra squares are added to the standard chessboard and pieces. (8x8, Cells: 68) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
💡📝Charles Daniel wrote on Wed, Oct 10, 2007 06:41 PM UTC:

Since you did the work for that file and are registered here, why don't you add the link here instead?  Let me know if this is possible...

Flying Bombers Grand Chess. The usual pieces in Chess are complimented by two Flying Bombers, which eliminate enemy pieces by flying over them! (10x10, Cells: 100) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
💡📝Charles Daniel wrote on Fri, Oct 19, 2007 06:19 PM UTC:
The 'immediate landing' flying bombers are used for future games, but for this game I have left it the same as the main variation. In any case the choice is up to the player to choose the 'immediate' or 'extended' landing flying bomber.

💡📝Charles Daniel wrote on Sun, Oct 21, 2007 03:10 AM UTC:
Thanks - I did not see that..The word immediately was wrong in that context and has been removed.

Ninjutsu (Claustrophobia 2). The fierce double capture leaping pieces: the Ninja Warriors and the Ninja Guards can promote to Insane Ninja Knights! (8x5, Cells: 46) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
💡📝Charles Daniel wrote on Mon, Oct 22, 2007 07:44 PM UTC:
Yes I did think of this compound - it was to be called the Insane Ninja! 
I used the insane ninja knight because it is present in my game 
Asylum Chess. 
I guess it could be fine to have the promotion to Insane Ninja instead of insane ninja knight if agreed by the 2 players
I might use the insane ninja in an upcoming variant.

Flying Bombers Grand Chess. The usual pieces in Chess are complimented by two Flying Bombers, which eliminate enemy pieces by flying over them! (10x10, Cells: 100) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
💡📝Charles Daniel wrote on Mon, Oct 22, 2007 08:15 PM UTC:
In Airplane Chess, the airplane moves both diagonally and orthogonally. There seems to be no specification or limit to its long reach power - it can jump over pieces in-between to capture the last piece in the line. 
I got the idea from checkers not from airplane chess.
The whole reasoning between my choice for the 'immediate landing' bomber used in Birds and Ninjas rather than the extended landing bomber was that pawns are too vulnerable and easily attacked. It is not clear but I suspected that this *might* increase the number of draws. 
Airplane Chess will most certainly lead to higher number of draws since pawns are  *much* more vulnerable than either version of the flying bomber. The nature of airplane being so difficult to defend against would make game much wilder and very different from Flying Bombers as well. 

The other mode of the flying bomber is essentially the Dabbabah (from which the cannon might have derived) as noted.

Cannibal Chess and Absorption Chess. Pieces gain the powers of a piece they take. (8x8, Cells: 64) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Charles Daniel wrote on Thu, Nov 1, 2007 09:10 PM UTC:Good ★★★★
The concept of this game struck me one day while I was playing chess online before ever setting foot on this site. I thought it was quite an interesting idea too and was quite fascinated with it.
Now, I do see many problems with this game:
It is difficult for one side to recover from a material deficit.
Even capture of a pawn by a piece gives one side a small advantage so it is hard to exchange.

Random Move Number Chess and Power Absorption were the first two variants I ever created.
I found this site later and realized I could submit them.
To my dismay Power Absorption had already been invented so I decided against submitting it.
Incredibly enough, even the name of my game is almost identical to this!

I did, however, go on to create many more variants..)

I certainly proved that all you need is a little bit of idle time and imagination to create variants!

Great Shatranj. Great Shatranj. (10x8, Cells: 80) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Charles Daniel wrote on Fri, Jan 4, 2008 09:18 PM UTC:Good ★★★★

While many variants try to balance the number of leapers with sliders, this game takes a different approach. Every piece is a jumper or a 1 square stepping piece. The Queen is replaced by the General, the rooks with dababbas and bishops with Elephants. Then, the game is expanded to a 10x8 similar to a Capablanca variant. The knight compound added to both dababbas and elephant.

The game starts out slow but gets much more tactical. Orthodox chess players with a preference for knights and for positional play and Indian defenses (moving pawn one step at a time) would love this game. Also the Shatranj reference and ruleset adds novelty to this game.

Some interesting points: the dababbas and Minister can mate with aid of king. (A bit tricky with the dababba) (Of course the General can too) . The dababba starts out as a weak piece but gets stronger as the game progresses.

The pieces may have been used before as pointed out, but this should be expected. I used the ninja guard which is very similar to elephant in Birds and Ninjas

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Charles Daniel wrote on Fri, Jan 18, 2008 09:39 PM UTC:
It seems to me that chess may be even MORE popular than ever before. You can easily get a live game at at any time. I think it would be more reasonable to assume that the general public is less interested in GM chess now than during the Fischer era.
Having also created a number of large board variants (e.g. see Insane Ninja Chess) and needing to compare them playtesting-wise to orthodox chess, I was forced to play quite a few games and have come to realize that standard chess really does live up to the 'hype' touted by chess lovers.

Charles Daniel wrote on Wed, Jan 23, 2008 06:30 PM UTC:
Boxing and mixed martial arts are violent sports where two men compete to see who the better man is - no problem in popularity there. And with the commentator mentioning at least 5 times during the match that this is a 'chess match'.
Chess as a social game to meet new friends may decline but as an exciting battle of wits between two people on the internet - quite clearly increasing in popularity.

Regarding the luck attribute - the chess analogy also shows up in poker commentary when two players are trying to outwit each other are in commentator's words 'playing a chess match'.

I doubt if anyone cares if computer plays chess better than them (except perhaps some top level GMs). Cars can travel faster than runners too, - do we see a decline in marathon/running sports?

Interesting Luck /gambling motif in chess : No Limit Bet Chess

Game Courier. PHP script for playing Chess variants online.[All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Charles Daniel wrote on Sat, Jan 26, 2008 06:58 PM UTC:
There seems to be a new problem with this system when creating presets. I was trying to create this Preset for Burmese Chess by request for Armin Liebhart.

I uncheck the box Exclude Pieces not in Setup so that the pieces that need to be dropped can be added, but they never show up. So right now there is no way to play this preset because you cannot drop the pieces in.
You can see for yourself by editing the preset.

Is there someone who can help on this or has any advice?

Charles Daniel wrote on Tue, Jan 29, 2008 01:42 AM UTC:
Thanks Joe, but for some reason it does not work for me - I tried it with saving first.  I don't know what I am doing wrong - I know it used to work even on update before.

Charles Daniel wrote on Tue, Jan 29, 2008 08:07 PM UTC:
Thanks! This worked for me.

Maces and Horse-apults. Chess with mace pieces and specialized catapults (horse-apults). (10x10, Cells: 100) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
Charles Daniel wrote on Mon, Mar 10, 2008 01:53 AM UTC:
Quite interesting! 
I have to disagree - it is not much like std chess (play-wise at least)-
the game is substantially altered because of those pieces. 
Am I right in understanding the mace this way: I move my mace next to
enemy pieces. Then on same turn I can take them off the board? 
Also, is it compulsory to remove all pieces attacked by mace? 

And if mace removes piece/pawn that exposes king to check then does that
not mean that the opponent can then capture your king? 

I was wondering too what do you think of adding one mace and one
Horse-apult to  my customizable game : pick piece big chess. I think it
will be a bit slower than yours but it might be quite interesting. 

If you dont mind - I can add that into the presets for my game.

Charles Daniel wrote on Fri, Mar 14, 2008 08:39 PM UTC:
I have added some presets here for Pick the Piece Big Chess, one of which includes the Mace and Horse-apult in this game. I briefly mentioned some possible modifications as well.
It might play a bit differently from your game, but who knows it might be interesting.

One thing I was wondering can I just not bother capture the enemy piece and just move my mace away?

Pick the Piece Big Chess. In this customizable game, players decide on the pieces to fill two empty slots and those to be dropped during play. (10x10, Cells: 100) [All Comments] [Add Comment or Rating]
💡📝Charles Daniel wrote on Mon, Mar 17, 2008 01:06 AM UTC:
Gary, I just reworded the description for the preset. But my suggestion was the other way around - a war-mace and alfil-Horse-apults. Though I see no reason for it to be the other way around either.. 

And thanks for your comment, I hope that players realize they have a lot of flexibility in choosing the game they wish to play.

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