Musketeer Chess Variant Kits
I ordered two apiece of each of the five Chess variant kits described on this page. Each set contains two types of pieces in each color for a total of four pieces. To get pairs of the same piece, as are required for many games, you will need to get two of the same kit. These photos normally show two of each kit, and they sometimes include other pieces for the sake of comparison. The pieces I got were colored black and natural, but there are also sets available in the colors black and white. So, be sure to order the color you actually want so that your pieces will match. Nothing is included but the pieces specifically named as coming with the specific kit. Links are provided for purchasing each of these kits on ebay. The black and white versions of these pieces are all available in a single bundle called Musketeer Chess Variant Kits x5 - Series 1 COMBO - Black & White. The black and natural colored pieces are available only in individual kits.
Images of the kits are linked to affiliate links to purchase these pieces. Where possible, the link is to the House of Staunton, since they are selling the pieces for less. But they do not have any of the newer pieces, and they are out of stock of some of the older pieces. So, most of the links are to an ebay seller.
Chancellors & Archbishops

House of Staunton:

Order these on ebay as Musketeer Chess Variant Kit - Chancellor & Archbishop - Black & Natural.
Or order the black & white pieces as Musketeer Chess Variant Kit - Chancellor & Archbishop - Black & White
Elephants & Hawks
House of Staunton:

Order the black & white pieces on ebay as Musketeer Chess Variant Kit - Elephant & Hawk - Black & White
Leopards & Cannons

House of Staunton

Although ElephantChess no longer seems to be available, there is now a new Musketeer piece called the Bombarde, which would be suitable for a Vao. You may get it on ebay in the Musketeer Chess Variant Kit - Griffin & Bombarde (Tank) - Black & Natural. Like the Cambaluc and ElephantChess Cannons, it looks like a slanted cannon.

Order these on ebay as Musketeer Chess Variant Kit - Cannon & Leopard - Black & Natural.
Or order the black & white pieces as Musketeer Chess Variant Kit - Cannon & Leopard - Black & White
Fortresses & Unicorns
House of Staunton:

Order these on ebay as Musketeer Chess Variant Kit - Fortress & Unicorn - Black & Natural.
Or order the black & white pieces as Musketeer Chess Variant Kit - Fortress & Unicorn - Black & White
Spiders & Amazons (originally Dragons)

House of Staunton:

Fortunately, new kits are available with more realistic looking spiders.

Order these on ebay as Musketeer Chess Variant Kit - Amazon (Dragon) & Spider - Black & Natural.
Or order the black & white pieces as Musketeer Chess Variant Kit - Amazon (Dragon) & Spider - Black & White
Fortunately, news kits are available with more realistic looking dragons.

Some Newer Sets

Matching Chess Sets
The pieces are colored natural and black, and they are designed for pieces with a King whose height ranges from 3.75 inches to 4 inches.
Here are some photographs showing how the coloring of the white pieces in the kits compare to white pieces from various sets. In the following two pictures, each file has a couple pieces from a different set. From left to right, these are my first Chess set, the Chancellor and Archbishop from the Camaratta kit, the natural colored single-weight regulation King and Queen, the Chancellor and Archbishop from Gothic Chess, a cream colored King and Cardinal from Cambaluc Chinese Chess, and finally an ivory colored plastic regulation King and Queen.
These pictures carry on the same idea but add pieces from Omega Chess. Looking at them directly, I thought maybe the Omega Chess pieces, seen in the C and D files, were closer in color to the Camaratta pieces than the natural colored pieces are. But looking at the photograph, the natural colored pieces may be closer.
These two pictures show the Elephant, Chancellor, and Archbishop alongside some of the natural colored pieces I ordered:
The preceding pictures were taken with my digital camera, but I also took some with my webcam. This one shows the white pieces lined up by height:

Since I took that picture before the Fortress & Unicorn and Dragon & Spider kits came out, here is a more recent photo from John Davis showing all the pieces lined up with the Chess pieces.