Check out Makruk (Thai Chess), our featured variant for March, 2025.

I love the Boden-Kieseritzky Gambit, because you can play a game that isn't Chess without changing any of the rules. What I mean by this is that some of the positions you get into are so strange that they don't seem to be Chess...

Here's my bid to get my name in the opening books.

1.  e2-e4          e7-e5
2.  Ng1-f3         Nb8-c6
3.  Bf1-c4         Ng8-f6
4.  O-O            Nf6:e4
5.  Nb1-c3         Ne4:c3 (a)
6.  d2:c3          f7-f6
7.  Nf3-h4         g7-g7
8.  f2-f4          f6-f5 (b)
9.  Nh4-f3         Bf8-c5+ (c)
10. Kg1-h1         e5-e4
11. Nf3-e5 (d)     Nc6:e5 (e)
12. f4:e5          Qd8-e7 (f)
13. Rf1:f5 (g)     e4-e3 (h)
14. Bc4-f7+        Ke8-d8
15. Rf5-f3         Qe7:e5
16. Qd1-e1! (i)    Bc5-d6 (j)
17. Qe1-h4+        Bd6-e7
18. Qh4-d4         Qe5:d4
19. c3:d4          e3-e2
20. Bc1-h6
Note (a): 5...Ne4-f6 is interesting.

Note (b): Najdorf's move.

Note (c): 9...e4 10. Ng5 Bc5+ is the main line. If 9...e4 10. Ne5? Qe7! is too strong.

Note (d): 11. Ng5 is the main line, and it's perfectly good. 11. Ne5 is not in any book, which is its only advantage.

Note (e): This is the most natural move, but almost all the other legal moves are interesting, including ...b5, ...d5, and ...Qe7.

Note (f): This is the most natural and obvious move, but it falls into the pretty trap and loses. 12...d5 is best.

Note (g): Such happiness.

Note (h): Perhaps the best is 13...d5 14. e:d6 B:d6 15. Bf7+ Kd8 16. Bg5 g:f5, when the powerful passed Pawn gives Black some hope of drawing.

Note (i): Not Qe2 because of ...d5 and ...Bg4.

Note (j):

16. Qd1-e1!        Rh8-f8
17. Bc1:e3         Rf8:f7
18. Rf3:f7         Bc5:e3
19. Rf7-f8+!       Kd8-e7
20. Qe1-f1

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