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100 other games to play on a chessboard (Book information)

Stephen Addison wrote a book, titled: 100 other games to play on a chessboard. As the title tells, this book gives the rules of 100 games that can be played on a chess board. Some are chess variants, but many others are not chess variants. The book is no longer in print.

The book has been translated in Dutch (and possibly in other languages). The Dutch edition is:

100 spelletjes op Uw schaakbord, BZZToH, 's-Gravenhage, 1986, 111 pages.


Stephen Addison
100 other games to play on a chessboard
Dufour Editions
ISBN# 0720606179
96 pages

WWW page created: February 11, 2003.
Written by: Hans Bodlaender.