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Dragonchess Games


David Lichtenstein writes:

I just found your magnificent Chess Variations website two days ago and was blown away. I had thought for years that I was the only person who played Dragonchess. I want to thank you very much for maintaining the pages and keeping them as well organized as they are. (I think "csipgs Chess" looks fascinating also.)

In partial thanks for your website, I thought that I'd present you with a couple of Dragonchess games which I've played against an "algorithm" which hopefully someday will become a Dragonchess-playing computer program.

NB: I have devised a notation system which I feel is more clear than the one presented with the rules. It always shows the piece which is moving and the square being moved to. The last letter refers to which board: U = Upper board, M = Middle board, L = Lower board.

Game One

31 August 1997
DragonChess Algorithm v2.2 v. David Lichtenstein

1. Wh3M We6M
2. We3M Wd6M
3. Wd3M We5M
4. Wi3M He3M
5. Wg3M Wh6M
6. Wg4M Uc6M
7. Wf3M Wi6M
8. Wf4M Wh5M
9. We4M Hh6M
10. He3M Uj6M
11. Wh4M Ud4M?!
(This overly aggressive foray could easily be thwarted by 12. Wc3M, but the human's 11th move does not meet the Algorithm's conditions for breaking out of book.)
12. Hh3M Wf6M
13. Ui2M Wg6M
14. Ud2M Wf5M
15. Pg3M?
(The Algorithm has exhausted its fourteen move book and has calculated that it is ahead by 0.35 pts. [about 1/3 of a Warrior]. Version 2.0 had no opening book and would have faltered long ago. Version 2.1 would take the highest value piece it could with 15. Hxd4M? Version 2.2 can see that it will lose any available exchange at this point, so it bolsters the center with the text move. Only a vastly more powerful algorithm would see the imminent exchange on g4M and void the threat by 15. Wg5M!)
15. ... Wfxg4M
16. Txg4M?
(Matters are only made worse by retaking; better may be 16. Hg2M.)
16. ... Wxg4M
17. Hxg4M Cd7M
18. Wi4M Uh5M
19. Wxh5M Wixh5M
20. Hxh5M? Wxh5M
21. Pxh5M?! Tg6M
22. Mf3M??
(The Algorithm should recognize the threat to its Paladin, but it has no ability in that area. A more competent player might try retreating 22. Pi3M [or the aggressive Pxh7L!?]. The text move loses both the Mage and the Paladin.)
22. ... Uxf3M+
23. Uxf3M Txh5M
24. resigns
(After 24. Wxe5M Mxf3M, the human achieves near total dominance.)

Game Two

The following game was the first time I lost to my own creation.

25-26 Dec. 1998
DragonChess Algorithm v3.0 v. David Lichtenstein

1. We3M We6M
2. Wh3M Wd6M
3. Wi3M We5M
4. Wd3M He6M
5. Wg3M Wh6M
6. Wf3M Uc6M
7. Wf4M Wf6M
8. Wg4M Wg6M
9. Wh4M Wh5M
10. We4M Wi6M
11. He3M Wxg4M
12. Drxa7U Drd5U
13. Sef3U Wf5M?
14. Drxa8M Wi5M
15. Drxb7M Dre5U
16. Drxa7M Dri1U
17. Pg3M Drxj1M
18. Mi4M Drxi1M
19. Wxi5M Drh2U
20. Eg3L Drxg2U+
21. Kf1M Drxg3M
22. Se4U Gi5U
23. Gi4U Gf3U
24. Gxf3U Drxf3U
25. Wj3M Drxe3M
26. Ce2M Drxf4M
27. Wc3M Wf4M
28. Tb3M Wf3M?
29. Txe6M+ Kg8U?
30. Txg4M Wxe2M+
31. Kxe2M Mf4M
32. Wc4M Wg4M
33. Drd4U Me3M+
34. Kd1M Mg1M+
35. Ke2M Tg6M??
36. Drxg7U++ checkmate

(I realized just how powerful a rampaging Dragon can be the hard way!)

Written by David Lichtenstein. HTML conversion by David Howe.
WWW page created: January 23, 1999.