Check out Smess, our featured variant for February, 2025.

39-Contest Vote

The winners of the competition to design a chess variant on a board with 39 squares will be determined by voting. You can also vote, using this handy vote page.

One use per person please. You may rate each game.

The four games with the highest avarage rating will go to the finals.

Please be sure to fill in your name and email address.

If you cannot send email, you can instead send a letter or postcard to Hans Bodlaender.

If your browser has troubles with the form, then you can instead send an email with your votes to Hans Bodlaender.

Designers of a game in the contest are also asked to vote: please give your own game a 0 (This is my own game.)

For more information on how votes will be counted, see the voting information page.

Send in your votes before March 31, 1999. (Prolonged deadline.)

Voting is over!

Form design by David Howe. Text by David Howe and Hans Bodlaender.
WWW page created: January 4, 1999. Last modified: March 2, 1999.